Mar 18, 7:00 PM EDT

Mental Health, School, and Work

In our fifth and final episode of Generation Change, hosted in collaboration with the Stanford Center for Youth Mental Health, Jules Villanueva-Castaño hosts 3 guests for a conversation about challenges, triggers and coping mechanisms for managing mental health in school and work settings.

Tune in to hear from:

Jules Villanueva-Castaño

Jules Villanueva-Castano (he, him, his) currently works for Stanford’s Center for Youth Mental Health and Wellbeing as a supported education and employment specialist. Before that he worked for the National Center for Youth Law as one of the first education liaisons for the Compassionate Systems Project in Santa Clara County. Before his time at NCYL, he managed FLY (Fresh Lifelines for Youth) Mentor Program. While there, he trained and matched volunteer mentors with youth involved in the juvenile justice system in Santa Clara County, helping young people in the program identify with a positive support person in their lives to increase pro-social behaviors and decrease recidivism back into the juvenile justice system. Before his work at FLY, he spent nearly a decade working with Eastfield Ming Quong (now UPLIFT) as a family specialist in Santa Clara county, supporting youth on wraparound teams with mental health crises at school, home and in the community. While there he participated in the inaugural co-occurring steering committee as a representative for service providers within the agency.


Ethan is a high school senior and a member of San Jose Youth Advisory Group. He is passionate about helping other young people learn about mental health and have access to resources. He enjoys helping people and volunteering for social causes. He is also a fan of One Direction. 


Chandler is a high school junior living in San Jose, California. He joined allcove because he himself has had mental health struggles and wanted to help provide a better experience to other people who grapple with similar afflictions, who might be unable to access mental health services. Also, he’ll happily talk your ears off about any given superhero.

Acerca de Generation Change

The data on adolescent health and educational success in the US is of great concern. High rates of depression, alcohol and drug abuse, teen pregnancy, youth violence, and low college graduation rates compared to other industrialized nations indicate that something is missing in our support for young people.

We need a new culture of adolescent wellbeing across the United States that builds skills, resilience, and opportunities for a healthy path into adulthood. Through this series, we'll hear from youth and experts on topics including early intervention strategies, Asian American youth mental health, Native American youth mental health, the role of media in wellbeing, and more.

Join Stanford and Made of Millions as we explore how to better support our young people as they transition into adulthood and realize their full potential. Learn more about Stanford's Center for Youth Mental Health and Wellbeing on Instagram @stanfordyouthmh.

Series originales

Apoya nuestro trabajo

Nuestra misión es cambiar la manera en que el mundo percibe la salud mental.