Beautiful Brains: A Mental Health Manual for the Modern Workforce
It's time to make mental health a business priority.
Escrito por Lauren O'Shaughnessy
By estimation, 32 million workers in the U.S. experience mental illness in a given year. Of that population, only half seek treatment and few feel comfortable turning to their employer when they need help. We’re in the midst of a workplace wellness crisis and it’s time to start doing something about it.
Introducing the Beautiful Brains Guide — a free, no-nonsense roadmap that shows modern businesses how to foster mentally healthy environments. In six simple steps, it outlines the culture and policy changes necessary to better support employees battling mental distress.

Whether you’re a junior employee, or a business owner, here’s what we want you to do:
Head here, download the guide and share it with the decision makers at your company. Then circulate it amongst coworkers and friends, announce your support on social and help us turn this thing into a real movement.
Every employee deserves a workplace that works for them. With your help, we can get there.
Sobre el autor
Lauren is the editorial director and cofounder at the Made of Millions Foundation. She has been a part of the team since its launch in 2016. She has been open about her personal struggles with Generalized Anxiety Disorder and social phobia. You can follow her on Instagram at
Apoya nuestro trabajo
Nuestra misión es cambiar la manera en que el mundo percibe la salud mental.