OCD Symptoms
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is a complex mental illness that affects every sufferer differently. Contrary to what many people believe, it is not all about hand-washing and organization. While there are similarities across cases, individual manifestations tend to mirror specific anxieties based on a person’s unique life experience. Because of this, OCD is often classified into different subtypes. These are not diagnoses. They are labels or categories for understanding the many forms OCD can take.
Remember: Every sufferer experiences obsessions and compulsions, but they can center around very different topics based on your subtype. Some sufferers, do not fit into one bucket. They experience a range of symptoms, even some that don’t fall into any subtype at all. Do not let your unique case keep you from seeking help. Continue reading to explore different symptoms and subtypes of OCD.

Understanding the Science of OCD
Explore OCD Subtypes
Pure OCD
OCD without visible compulsions
Harm OCD
Constant fears that you might harm yourself or someone you love
Relationship OCD
Repetitive fears that you are with the wrong partner
Sexual Orientation OCD
Fears and obsessions about sexual orientation
Pedophilia OCD
Unwanted obsessions that you might harm a child
Religious OCD (Scrupulosity)
Constant fears that you’ll be punished for blasphemy
Contamination OCD
Repetitive fears that you’ll get contaminated by germs or diseases
Responsibility OCD
Fears that your actions or non-actions pose a serious risk to others
Somatic OCD
Hyper-awareness of your everyday functions or surroundings
Existential OCD
Obsessions with philosophical questions that you don’t know the answers to
Suicidal OCD
The fear of acting on thoughts of suicide
Metaphysical Contamination OCD
Fear of objects or people that remind you of a past traumatic event
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